The women with the bowl of water upon her head,
long brown to black hair with golden streaks through her hear,
She had big brown eyes, her voice was soft.
There was a gentle breeze.
her height was around 5 ft 3 inches
she was dressed in white clothing as if from 2500 years ago.
She handed to me water.
One day in summer many years ago i was on my way to the farm in the car, a van,
The farm is at Peats Ridge.
I was traveling on the old Pacific HWY just after it breaks into 2 lanes.
I noticed something reflecting through the trees on the right hand side about 200 metres ahead of me.
So i pulled the van over to the right hand side of the road and go out.
I walked a little bit into the bush, then i saw.
All house white in colour all joining each other some higher some lower.
they were on the side of the hill,
it was a village.
there were people dressed in white, some carring what looked like water upon there head ,
some carring reeds.
Then a female saw me and she smiled, she was carrying water.
She was a distance away from me but then she was infront of me.
She smiled again and put the jug upon her head to the ground ,
then with a cup / chalice she filled it full of water.
Now in her other hand she had a reed.
She then put both her hands out, 1 with the water the other with the reed.
I reached out to take them and my hands went throught her image.
She smile and said to me.
I am here and you are there.
You will know me.
She said you are given the gift to hear and see the light.
Then she said a few more things.
She then said, the reed is for you to measure,
the water is because you thirst for knowledge.
She said, in time you will understand.
I drove back from the farm 1 hour later it was all gone.
This happened 38 years ago, stephen has not spoken of this before now.
The 1 you call Jesus told Stephen to Anoint his eyes with eye salve
that he may see.