Far away About 444 light years from here
is the Pleiades System.
It is the Golden Gate of the Ecliptic Plan.
Behind this is the Hidden Garden / Temple.
The 7 Sister’s are there.
Maia, Electra, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope, Merope.
Of the rotation of the gases they were created by,
Atlas & Pleione, there parents
Behind the Golden gate there is a Garden or Temple you might say.
Within this Garden there are 24 Pillars that are beside a river of like crystal water.
The river of like crystal is for all who thirst.
The river of life it is.
On either side of the river the 24 pillars are.
The 12 pillars are of the 12 different constellation’s
12 pillars that are closest to the Golden Gate,
6 on either side of the river.
These 12 pillars have wrote / carved upon them the names of each
of the 12 Angels who were and are the first and the last of 7 to overcome of each
Only 1 of them who is of the 7 will recieve the White Stone of each Constellation.
This Angel / Messenger will give the final message to the world in question.
For was the first who is the last.
In my Fathers house there are many rooms !!!
At the base of each of these Pillars is a Chalice / cup.
The Chalice is filled with the water that is from the river of life .
of the water it is filled.
When they come to drink they see the name of the Angel wrote upon the Pillar.
Then sometimes messages are sent to there love ones to go to that Angel for a reason.
Maybe to recieve A message to there spirit alone placed upon a scroll.
All who are of that Constellation may drink freely of it.
When all things die or pass away / over.
If a Chalice of another consellation is chosen to drink from,
then that will be the consellation you are born back to.
The measure to which you have conducted your life
will be to the measure of your birth.
The 12 Pillars further away from the Golden Gate are closest to the Throne / One.
Each of these Pillars has wrote upon then the hidden names
that are wrote upon the White Stones given to each who overcame.
The 12 at the Golden Gate are worldly names.
The 12 before the Throne are there spiritual name given by the One.