They say that science and the Biblical don't go together. Well I beg to differ. You would not build a statue of a Hindu God Shiva and then
have your scientist's preform the dance of Shiva if you are not
worshipping or honouring him in some manner. Please understand that if i myself wanted something i would
have to pray to the God in control of that which i wanted.
I could not send you to pray for me!
I would have to go and pray myself because it is of me and
my path in life, that would not be worshipping
{as they believe it to be }
at all if you did that for me. Please read and watch the video
i made, I use and American voice over because my voice is not good.
The frequency of the gases within the Nebula at different times
is the catalyst to Dark Matter or Dark Energy which is
Brahma, Brahma being the creator forces the aperture to open,
then to create the Singularity which is the creation of life
within the Nebula. Vishnu is the Supreme God, Brahma the
Shiva is the destroyer of Evil? Truth is Vishnu Brahma and Shiva all make up the Supreme
Father Brahman.
The Father The Son, The Holy Ghost A few questions that are asked of me many times.
What is God ?
God is a conscious body of rotation that contains life within
itself ,
so you are God to all within you and all within that and so on and so on. Within everybody there is a singularity!
This is the measure of your life,
it is your connection to the spiritual.
You can not measure all human life by the life of 1 or 100
humans, it is given to each and everyone to be in accordance to
there own will and to be a reflection of there words and actions,
each creating a Karma.
Karma is a frequency that your words and actions create, it
goes to the singularity within you that is your connection to
God then to the Father, then to create an equal force reflected
back to you then placed upon your path. It is created by you. Time is a reflection and is determined to the closest singularity.
That would be within you.
Then your singularity reflects upon the singularity within the
Planet as a measure of time then within the Sun.
You are not God to anything outside your own body, there are
many so called Gods who claim to be God
over all others outside there own body! Know they are false
Gods !
For I and my Father do not judge you! We see no
{ sin within you}!!! I just told you something that
religion of man has lied about !!!! However you are part of the greater which makes the One! They asked Jesus if he was the Father?
Jesus replied and said, yes we are all part of, meaning within!
Please watch Search on YouTube The Mandelbrot set, my video
of the creation is at the bottom of this page.
What is the Heavenly Father ? The Heavenly Father is the conscious Temple that contains all
Gods that hold within themselves conscious life.
Multi Universes, Everything ! So your question now would be why do I talk of
Hinduism and then refer to the Holy Documents ? So much has been hidden from you, so many lies have been
told. Within the Mandelbrot Set you see many repetitive Shapes. So here is another question I ask you, What is the final structure or body that contains all the
repetitive structures ? It is the Father of all creation, it is the Brahman. The One that people know as Jesus is the beginning & the
Right there in the line above this one is one of the hints Jesus
gives to who he really is. To understand my thought process is as simple as this.
If i hand you a letter and it is not addressed to you, then the
only thing you can read is the address and nothing more . But
when you are the person it is addressed to, you then have the
right to open the sealed letter and read
the message that was hidden by the seal of the envelop. A letter that is addressed to you! involves your life, so therefore
you understand it! Otherwise it would make no sense to you. Now here is why i understand Revelation 7 Letters because it
is addressed to my spirit and i understand the hidden spiritual message. The the address and the seals upon the 7 Letters of Revelation
are spiritual.
Read the beginning of each letter then know i have stated
If i was to open up about all that is stated in these letters past
present and future you would be so so
shocked at the lies you have been told, the false teachings you
have been given. I do not hold within me the doctrine of Balaam nor do i hold the deeds of the Nicolaitans. As it stated in the Seven Letters I do not. Listen to hear what it states carefully. Within this video there is a hidden message