Before i state anything to what Revelation 7 Letters truly say and to whom they are for.

Read very carefully the first 3 chapters of Revelation, 

Study it to the point of knowing what the 7 lampstands really are and what the 7 Stars really are.

Always remember the 7 spirits of God are there also.

Read Matthew Chapter 20 learn it.

He who is first is last and last is first !

He who has an ear to hear, let him hear What the spirit says to the 

Church / congregation.

The 7 letters are not to or for the 7 churches in Asia Minor.

They are for the 7 Angels of the 7 congregations in Asia.

The 3 wise men were Asian Kings& not from the middle East at all.

The 7 Golden lampstands are of 7 different timeframes.

Each timeframe having a period in which a candle before the throne was burning,

no timeframe was the same as the other in length.

The 7 Stars in the hand of the one you call Jesus are this.

The Stars are the 7 Angels who were and are for each of the 7 lampstands timeframes

upon the Earth.

The Vineyard owner hired 7 workers 

but at the end of the day he paid them in reverse order.

He who is first is last and the last is first.

There were 7 people to die after Jesus for the word of God.

Stephen was first, he was stonned to death.

So in reverse order they are reborn back to the Earth.

1 to each of the timeframes.

Now listen with ears.

The last of 7 people to die for the word of God after Jesus, 

he is the first to be reborn to the Earth,

After many years Jesus wakes him up to who and what he is.

within him there is the essence of 1 Star

He is the Angel of that timeframe.

He also recieved a spiritual message equal to his number in rebirth.

He must give this message of his spirit to the church / congregation of the world.

Soon after he will die and go back to the alter. 12/3/25

Another period of time passes then

The second last person killed for the word of god is reborn to the earth.

Time passes and Jesus wakes him up to who he really is.

Then this man will recieve 2 stars and 2 spiritual messages equal to his 

number in rebirth.

then he gives this message of his spirit to the church / congregation of the world.

Time passes then he dies

Another period of time passes then

The third last person killed for the word of god is reborn to the earth.

Time passes and Jesus wakes him up to who he really is.

Then this man will recieve 3 stars and 3 spiritual messages equal to his 

number in rebirth.

then he gives this message of his spirit to the church / congregation of the world.

Time passes then he dies.

Now this keeps happening until the seventh person is reborn.

The seventh person recieves 7 Stars and the 7 spiritual messages.

He understands all 7 letter within the spirit.

Here is his wisdom of this.

Your spirit is the address of any spiritual message.

Only you can understand that message for it is of your life.

Sometimes a pure love, even more than you know is place before you.

Maybe it was placed for A reason telling or showing you something.

This is why.

Sometimes nothing needs to be said.

Those 6 words came from the essence of, not from a song !!!

Only one who is of the measurement of the Holy Temple on Earth or of Heaven 

can write to your spirit so you yourself understand it.

Just as Jesus has done to his 7 Angels of the 7 churches / congregations

who have recieved the 7 spiritual messages, each to his order of rebirth.

Read Acts Chapters 5, 6, 7

He who is first is last and last is first.

The rotation is of the knowing, the deep spiritual teaching.

So Stephen reads all 7 letters as if they are one letter.

There is only 1 true congregation of the Father.

Imagine being shown by Jesus that you had lived another life but with the same Earthy name.

Revelation Chapter 2 Letter 3 states it clearly.

You have a name that you are alive yet you are dead.

Some people will say no no no it was the church that has the name it is alive yet it is dead.

{ But }

Jesus stated , he who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the Church.

Jesus said, for the many it is written as a parable to know the way of life.

But for those who have ears to hear, it is to know the mysteries of the Father !!!

In other word 2 meanings behind the 1 statement.

I will show to you A Paradox.

As it is in Heaven so to it is upon the earth.

The Paradox

The spiritual message. 13/3/25

Always remember Stephen reads these 7 letters as if they are 1 letter.

Letter Number 3

{ And to the Angel } of the church of Pergamos,

These things says He who has the sharp two-edged sword:

{ Notice the white stone has the two edged sword of the mouth of him within the white stone }!

I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is.

{ this was a time in my life where false religion tried to mislead me, but jesus woke me up }

And you hold fast to My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days in which Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.

When Jesus stated even in the days, 

{ That means Pretense }

{ I did,n’t know who this man Antipas was apart from King Herod.

So i asked Jesus to help me.

In these days there was no computers apart from a Commador 64, un like now.

so i had encyclopedia’s 24 in all spread on the floor of the lounge room

and the Holy Bible in the middle of them all with enough room to sit my butt down.

When i asked jesus to help me , he answered me and said.

Stephen the answer you ask of is in the Letter itself, have ears to hear the words of God.

I looked again at letter 3 and i had a hunch.

I then looked over at 1 of the Encyclopedia’s and opened it and looked up Antipas.

then again i looked at letter 3  the beginning.

I then looked into the Encyclopedia for pergamos and i found it.

The Antpas that Jesus was talking about was the first Bishop to the church of Pergamos, 

The letter is wrote to the Angel of the church of pergamos, go figure!

He was boiled in oil where Satan dwells, as Jesus said.

I believe Stephen of old could  have been watching when this happened,

{ I have no memory of this event } you will understand what i mean of this later }

{ Jesus, by saying this pinpoints a timeframe he is referring to }!

But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality. 15 Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, g]which thing I hate. 16 Repent, or else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth.

All of the 4  line above this line happend.

They tried to take what Jesus had promised to me and Jesus told me to fight them.

I did and i won.

Then i was given the White Stone and i ate from the hidden manna.

I do not go right into the nitty gritty of this letter, 

but when the time is right all the truth will be made known.

Understand that all things had to happen again.

So as Jesus died for the Father so too did Stephen and 6 others died for Jesus

and within these 7 letters they are woken to there reward.

He who gives up his life for my name sake, so shall he find it!!!

Stephen of old was Stoned to death Hence my memory of this within another timeframe.

As a child when i would get sick my tempeture would raise up

and in visions i had because of this i would see a white stone coming towards me,

many time i had this vision, sometimes my feet are bound

sometime i was tied to a poll that was hammered into the ground.

In each vision i could not get away.

This is why i recieved the white stone.

Please do not ignore your children words when they are sick with a high

tempeture because the tempeture spike opens the singularity to 

the spiritual memory of lives lived.

More of this will be spoken of in the page Singularity.


More will be wrote of this spiritual message tomorrow