How Stephen Got the Name Flowers of Bethlehem.
The name Flowers of Bethlehem is really a Scroll that was given to Stephen. 

A flourish added to a name is a scroll. 

You must become like a child in order to see things very simplically, then and only then will you see truth as it really is.
Many people over many years have asked Stephen to tell the story of Flower Of Bethlehem
and how he found the name Flowers Of Bethlehem.

This document is of part Stephen’s life and the path that was set before him

 that is an open door to which nobody knew about, the Key the Root of David . 

The hidden messages from the Pleiades Sisters to him.
Please also understand that Evolution / time has also played its part in this, 

as the Past, present and future are all taken into account.

Please remember you have not been forced to read this .

Where the name Flowers of Bethlehem came from ?

Many years ago Stephen the owner of Flowers of Bethlehem lived on the Central Coast as a young boy,
Stephen’s mother worked on the farm behind the original Bushland Nursery and in the orchard behind the Egg farm next door for many years,
Over the years the farmers would teach the children a little about nature and the wonders of nature as they got older.
As Stephen turned the age of 13 he would peddle his push bike down to Terrigal and go surfing most everyday before and after High School.

When Stephen was at the age of 14 years and 7 months old he went surfing one weekend at Terrigal, 

at the end of the day he washed the salt off in Terrigal lake , now because the lakes were full dew to the rain, 

Terrigal lake was opened to the sea.
Which meant that all the bacteria from the shallows of the lake would move to the opening towards the sea where Stephen was washing the salt off before riding home.
A day or two later Stephen was not feeling well and stayed home from school, 

his mother just thought it was a cold!
Stephen had contracted Meningitis from the lake, Stephen collapsed at home and he was rushed to Gosford hospital, 

a few days passed and Stephen woke from what was then a Coma, 

then a week later he was taken to Royal Prince Alfred hospital in Sydney where they did many tests on him, 

as in 1974 they did not have much knowledge of Meningitis.
While he was at this hospital the the Specialist doctor caring for Stephen, 

they asked if he could come and tell the other doctor of his experience and to what he remembered, Stephen said yes,
Remember he is only 14 years 7 months old, 2 x 7 = 14 + 7 = 21 meaning 777 remember these number.

The doctor pushed Stephen in a wheel chair into a room but before this he told Stephen not to be nervous,
when the door to the room opened there were at least 50 to 70 doctors in the room, 

then Stephen’s doctor ask him to tell of what he remembered, the doctor said just tell us from the start.

So Stephen said how he was surfing and then washing himself off in the lake and how he was sick for a few days, 

he told them he went to vomit and then Stephen said i died and 

a man with long dark hair dressed in long clothing picked me up and

 carried me to the light and he place me upon the floor but it wasn’t the floor it was like vines from a tree but it was soft,

 he placed me at the feet of another man who had the bluest eyes like a crystal or diamond 

and every cut like a diamond within his eyes were a different shade of blue.
The doctor said okay no more, he said I had to talk to your mother, 

he needed his mother’s consent to talk about it to him.
Because then they understood something more had taken place 

that they were not aware of and that Stephen might had died.

Later the doctor and a few others come to his bed and took Stephen to do more tests on him,  

his mother gave consent and they asked Stephen more questions to what he remembered as the tests were being done, there was ten doctors around him,
Stephen told the doctor he will tell them of what the man said to him and the promise he made with him,
The man had a beard a moustache, 

long golden very light brown hair it all fell into one and his clothing was of white and it looked soft,
Stephen said he had the most gentle eyes that looked into you and nothing was hidden from him, 

then he told Stephen things.

The man stood there looking at Stephen and said nothing, Stephen said he was looking at my spirit.

He took my spirit to pieces.

Then the man told Stephen he had been waiting for him for a long time and that Stephen was the first after him to die for the words of the Father in Stephen’s life before now.
Then he said your name is Stephen and you are a root of David and a Lion of the tribe of Judea, then another man in white called out who had a crown upon his head of an uneven Height. He is 1 of 24

Then the man standing before Stephen said
Behold worry not, Stephen looked around and there was 24 men all with Crowns on there head of 

an uneven height, each a different Crown to the others.

The crowns looked like they were made of gold, timber, & jewels of stone.

Each to it’s own mearsure.

The man told Stephen that the red chariot that Stephen had been in when he was looking upon the cottage from the top of hill would be his.
The red chariot was the Red bus company that would take the children home from school when Stephen was much young and lived at Foresters beach.
The bus would travel down Tumbi road of the Central Coast of NSW Australia, then return to Wamberal then on to Foresters beach,
this is how Stephen viewed the cottage that the man had spoken of in the red chariot.

One of the doctors said, it is a near death syndrome, Stephen looked at the doctor and said to him, the man told Stephen one would say that and he told Stephen to tell the man this, 

Your wife was having problems falling with child, 

the doctor looked at Stephen and said you could never have known that, then he remained silent. 

Stephen had never met that doctor before they came to him that day.

The other doctor asked Stephen who was the man in white, Stephen replied and said, Jesus, but he told him to call him by a name.

 He said for you Stephen died being first of 7 after me for my Words of our Father to which I spoke.

Stephen was stoned to death in another life before this one, he remembers being stoned to death.
Stephen of old was Stoned to death on the 26th of December.
Stephen had been shown his death within visions, hear this, for every time Stephen was sick as a young child and his temperature would rise and he would see a large white stone rolling towards him and he could not get away from it.

{ Read Acts of the Apostles chapter 5,6,7, }
{ Do not ignore your children’s dreams / visions when they are sick with a temperature well over what it should be, for this can be a vision of there past life } which is overlooked. It was for Stephen.
He was also told that many things will be set for him but time / evolution and events must take place, so a large amount of time had to past.

If you want to learn more to better understand Stephen and why he has the attitude towards false religion and corruption within the world, read the chapters above.

Jesus teaches Stephen Revelation Seven Letters within the spiritual, the wisdom was given to Stephen allowing him to hear what was really being said and to be able to loosen the seals to the letters as this time they are addressed to Stephen’s spirit, 

Jesus would teach him many things within the Holy Documents, 

the seven spirits of the Father have spoken to Stephen within each letter.

Many years went by and Stephen holding in all he had been taught by Jesus was sitting outside one night watching the lightning all around,
it was a big storm that seemed to rotate over the central coast in 1990 to 1991.
The clouds broke apart and there within the northern sky sat a crucifix made from the stars shinning down at Stephen which formed the Morningstar, the Morningstar is not 1 star! The 3 wise men who were Asian Kings of theat time where given this to see also and they followed it to Bethlehem. It was a Vader or Bader astrological sign, 

because of it’s brightness it caught Stephen’s attention.

That Star shinning so bright is Regulus, it means the King
After a few months he saw the stars on either side of the crucifix fly away at a great speed when he went to show somebody the crucifix, maybe that person was not meant to see it at that point in time ! I come upon the clouds Jesus said and all will see me.

{ Even those who Pierced me }.

What is the secret Jesus has hidden.

Why was Jesus Pierced on the right hand side , just under his rib cage?

Stephen knew that the main star was Regulus of the constellation of Leo the Lion, 3 star remaining including Regulus to form what is known as the Sickle within the Holy Documents.
Jesus was waking Stephen up to his past life, Jesus had to do this to each of the other 6, understand a church is not a building, 

the building is a Synagogue, any place where a Jewish religious service is held is called a Synagogue, any religion that derives from the Jewish faith that operates within the walls of a building, that building becomes a Synagogue, 

regardless, it does not state except for this religion or that religion within the Holy Documents.

This is what Stephen was shown,
Before the Throne stands 7 Golden lampstands and in the right hand of Jesus there are 7 Stars. within, there are 7 spirits of the Father also.
The 7 Lampstands are the 7 Churches ? Congregation’s, which are 7 different time frames upon this world / planet , the church is not a Physical building, it never was,
Each Lampstand has no set period of time and none equal to the other lampstand,
The church is the people  and all life of the whole earth who believe in the Heavenly Father regardless of skin colour or bred,

which Jesus taught.

There were many prophets who came to teach of love within many Civilizations around the world ,
Krishna, Buddha to name a few who are all prophets / Avatars even the one you call Jesus refers to as God.
Wicked men mislead the people to believe that the documents taught by the Prophets meant other things apart from brotherly love and Cosmology & Astronomy & Astrology..

Jesus promised to send his Angels.
The understanding of what Jesus gave to Stephen within the words of the Seven Letters in Revelation.

The 7 Stars are the Angels of the 7 Churches,, for he who is first is last and last is first,, Please remember this statement by Jesus..
The 7 letters in Revelation chapter 1 Jesus told John to send these letters to the 7 churches / congregation’s in { Asia } and he did .
Now just because these letters have been taken there to each church / gathering, 

does not mean that the letter can be opened or even understood by whoever at that church / gathering of people!
{ The letters are not to the church } !! as each letter states Clearly, To the Angel or Messenger of the church, you can read this for yourself.
These letters are symbolic of timeframes, so the letters are only for the time at hand or that which has past, unless it is the last Angel reading the letters,
the last Angel is already here ! judge not the book by the cover . Look inside.

The understanding of the 7 letters in Revelation is as simple as this.

If i was to hand you a letter, with it being sealed and it was not addressed to you, what part of it can you read ???
Only the addresses which is the message to the many to show to all the way of life, everybody can see and read to whom it is addressed too but you can not open it.
But when you are the one it is addressed too, then and only then do you have the right and the ability to open or loosen the seal or seals and understand what it states within because it is to you, Each letter is addressed to your spiritual, that the angels spiritual. Not yours.
The Angel and only the Angel equal to the number, no Angel before can open the Angels message after him
but all letters are open before him the last angel so he can understand them, only the letters equal to his number can any Angel understand within the spiritual.

The first person to die for the words of the Father after Jesus was Stephen, so therefore he will be the last to return and born to a new flesh / Tunic of Skin. 

The Tunic of skin is your flesh which hides your spirit within you to which is your knowledge, it is of all lives you had lived.
The first is last and last is first, Jesus stated this clearly.

So lets reverse this now.

So the last person killed came back into a new host flesh and he could only understand the first letter for it is equal to his number, Jesus woke him up.
He recieved 1 of the spirits, the Father spoke to his of the first letter and he became the Angel of the Church which are the Stars in the right hand of the Lord most high, his job was to study and learn
the ways of the world and then later give to the Church to which is all the people of the world a message to which Jesus instructs him to do and he did so.
Then shortly after he dies, and his spiritual went back to under the Altar of gold.
So an unknown period of time passed and the people heard the message of those willing to receive it.

Then the second last one killed he too was reborn into a new host flesh as he became of age Jesus woke him up, because he is the second to return he could understand
the first and second letters within the spiritual, he received 2 spirits and became the Angel of the Church for that period of time and gave to them his message,
Then he died and his spiritual went back before the Altar of gold.

Each time another Angel came back within there set timeframe equal to there number he received 1 more spirit than the last one before him and he understood
all the letters equal to his number,
But each Angel which is the measure of a man was given the personality to be able to relate to people young and old, even those who are educated and
those who are not so within his set timeframe, so that all can understand him for none is greater than the other. He will speak with a simple down to Earth understanding.

Now we come to the last person to come back, who was the first after Jesus to be killed for the Words of the Father to whom is Stephen a root of David, The Keys of David. The door before him set by the hands of Jesus himself. Letter number 6 of the Seven letters. For the first is last and last first.
Every letter in Revelation Stephen understands in the spiritual yet he can see the material also which is the message for the many to read.
Jesus told Stephen as a boy of 14 years and 7 months that all the answers are in the front and the back, so become as a child to see truth.
Ask of me any question, Jesus said to him and in time I will show to you the answer.

Then Jesus said this to Stephen.
He who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches, for the many it is written in a parable to know the way of life ,
But for he that has ears to hear it is to know the mysteries of the Father.

Stephen understood that to see first is not to hear but to hear first is to turn and see far more, understanding what a word means, it opens doors to other rooms

Jesus and the promises to Stephen.
There are so many promises that are written within the letters,

So Stephen only talks about a few of them that you the reader can also find the truth to if you search.

From where you have fallen repent and do your first works, Jesus said this to Stephen then he got up and he fort for what was his and won to regain his home,

Jesus gave to Stephen a Scroll, this was woven to the tapestry of Stephen’s spiritual, Jesus told Stephen become like a child,

Stephen one day many years ago opened a child’s dictionary from his school days and found out that a flourish added to a name was a scroll and Stephen was given the Holy Scroll called Flowers Of Bethlehem. This is why the name Flowers of Bethlehem had been repeating in his head since he was 14 and 7 months old.

Bethlehem in old Hebrew means The House Of Meat , the Heavenly Father is the House / The body / The Temple and we are all within it as part of, just like your own body has many parts and you are God to it all, so to does the Heavenly Father, Jesus said in my Fathers house there are many rooms. The Wine is my blood the Bread is my flesh, The House of Bread.

Jesus told Stephen he had a name that he was alive yet he was dead, and Stephen has !

Jesus said, I will give to you Stephen a white stone, Jesus did, Stephen has it for many many years and on it a new name written that only Stephen has seen!

Jesus said to Stephen, I will make you a Pillar in the Temple of my God, Stephen is that Pillar! Stephen’s home is 7770 kilometres from the Earths most Holy Temple Jesus refers too.

Jesus told Stephen he can eat from the tree that is of life in the midst of the Garden ! from the spiritual to the material that which is before you, anoint your eyes Stephen that you may see.

Jesus also told Stephen his last works are far more than the first and Stephen will not be hurt by the second death??? Read again Acts Of The Apostles chapters 5 to 7 then you will understand his first works, then read Revelation 7 letters.

A great burden has been placed upon Stephen for his last works are faithful and true and are more than his first works.

Stephen of old died doing his first works, so what is it that he is to do now in this life that is greater than the first which will now be his last works?

Jesus told Stephen that he would give to him the Morningstar as the Heavenly Father gave it to him Jesus, Stephen already has the Morningstar!
Stephen carries the Morningstar with him everywhere and every footstep he takes!

These are only a few things Stephen has allowed to be spoken of, if you were told all the event that have taken place to this point in time that are written,
you would be amazed at the amount of domino’s that have had to fall for him to understand to endure cruel judgement of others and remain silent, if you only knew the truth within him.

Jesus has placed the wolf on the outside of Stephen because people always judge him upon the outside. The hidden truth.
If you knew the false Judgement men from man made religion have stated to him and in silence he listened and he has taken it all in, for the judgement they have place upon him, it is there own judgement. They have not learnt anything from the old times that have passed away from the Oracles .

There have been many things said that Stephen has not spoken of from when Stephen had died. Things told to him of the Heavenly Father, God and Temple which are one within the other.

The star in the Northern sky called Regulus, it’s name means Little Prince or King,

Stephen said to me that he Stephen was least of all in the Temple of the Father and his job was to serve at the flowers / altar of gold!?
To be there for the people Jesus said until a time when Stephen was given a sign within the Northern sky, every eye will see me within the clouds Jesus said.
Stephen also said that he who gives up his life for the Word of the Father so shall he find it, this is also what Jesus told Stephen.
Stephen found his life again , for the way he found it was the way it ended, he was starring into the stars and saw within Heaven Jesus standing on the righthand side of the Father and he Knew.

So now i the author say to you the reader, before I walked away from Stephen with all he had said to me, Stephen did shown to me the Morningstar within. I asked Stephen if he was the last Angel of the Church now? He replied. Please go your way, I have given to you more than I should have. Write the things that I have said then bring them to me and you can place them upon the scroll that is of me, Flowers of Bethlehem.

So now i ask you the reader this questions !
Who is Stephen really ? is he the last Angel before the return of Jesus ? It would appear so.

How could have Stephen have ever known to measure the distance from Flowers Of Bethlehem to the old Temple without divine teachings?
And who was it that 1300 to 1700 years ago place that name upon that Temple that Stephen found the measurement of 7,770 Kilometres away from Flowers Of Bethlehem, how did Stephen also know to measure from the Cave of Revelation on the Island Patmos in the Mediterranean Sea back to the old Temple???

In Revelation seven letters, letter 5 it states this ,, To the Angel of the church of Sardis, Sardis was a middle eastern City, Sardis was a city that had turned to misconducted and the young would give themselves to others, be very careful not to judge another here, but to Stephen it meant far more. Jesus refers to a place town of City of misconduct. Upon a shop sign in Pa tong there was the name Sardis wrote and Stephen saw it.
Type in on your computer Thailand Pa tong Sardis and see what you find, Walk the streets on Google Earth. Sometimes events have taken place so the destination of truth is made known to who it is meant for.
Now ask yourself how could Stephen have ever known to do this at that point, The calculations of him knowing this is unbelievable, but Stephen knew to do it.
He did what he was told to do by Jesus. Stephen heard the Words Of The Father within the spirit to that letter No 5 of Revelation, Stephen was given and carries the Words Of The Father with him every step he takes and much more than is said here. You really do not know the depth of this.

But yet he can relate to you because he is given understands to your personal tribulation. Even if you do laugh at him.

If all these event happened to you, how would be ??? Stephen secretly blesses every person that comes to him { even those who have hurt him with cruel words }.

All the measurements that are stated here have been found to be true even the name of the Temple where 24 pillars stand is found to be true. WOW
So many things Stephen stated has been found to be 100% true and no lies. There are no lies.
What is really happening that Stephen knows about but has not spoken to anybody of ?

With all these things written here above, are you willing to judge or even cast a stone against him?

Stephen had videos of all the measurements to show to me the truth of what he has stated to me and now to you also the name of the Earth’s Holy Temple.
There are also statements here that Stephen has said that lead into other events if you knew the Tapestry of his heart and the spirit within him, he does not mean to offend you. 

It was wrote for the future, not for then, he knew what you were going to do in time A

Try to understand if you yourself had been through all of this and more, would you be as level headed and down to earth as Stephen is. He is the stone that the builders rejected he is on the corner. 

Jesus placed the wolf on the outside of Stephen so they judge him by the cover, yet they have no idea of what it within him. 

Many people wanted to know where the name Flowers Of Bethlehem came from. 

Well now you know.

7770 of the Temple, it is the alter of Gold.

The Gold is the Flowers.