Your creation is as simple as this.
From the Brahma the creator to the singularity
the begining of your creation within the womb.
When the fluids or gases come together
to create dark matter or dark energy this action
punches a hole in time space.
Even within the womb of your mother this is done.
This causes a singularity to appear within the womb
your spirit is placed within the singularity of your womb at this time and the rotation of the singularity creates your shape, your formation.
Vishnu is the Temple that encases you.
Brahma is the creator.
Shiva is the reality and dimension you are born into that makes all things equal.
For 6 week you rotate as a fluid taking shape.
Then at 7 months you biological structure will not change until you die.
After 9 months you are born to this dimension a new reality that is far different to your creation.
The one you call Jesus and the Father give to you a gift.
At the very moment you take your first breath you are given your own Will.
You can go up, down, back, forward, whatever you want,
In life you will make your own choices.
The reason why you are given your own Will is to show you that you are not a slave to anybody.
Jesus and the Father do not judge you.
But there is a binding.
You will reap what you have sown in this life.
You judge yourself through your actions and your words.
Remember that singularity that cause the rotation to create your form from within out.
Well that’s still inside you!!!
It will remain there until you die.
It also reflects your length of life.
then your spirit returns to the spiritual, the One.
So all you say and all you do is heard and seen.
That is your link to the spiritual.
the Shiva that makes all things equal.
The karma for you words of actions is plaed upon your path in life,
Good or Bad.
So you go through life and your Will and your Spirit
argue all the time.
Remember your Will is of a material World
your Spirit is of the Father. So they both argue about all things in life.
No your spirit says you can’t afford that ,
then your Will says yes but i want it,
Your Will normally wins.
Then later you find yourself in trouble because of worldly possession’s.
You should have listend to your spirit.
Now every time you are reborn to this world everything you have
Done, learnt , good or bad, every experience
in your last life is woven to the tapestry of your spirit
before it is placed back into the singularity of the new host womb,
this is why you have Deja vu .
The spiritual ties to family are never cut.
You think you have met someone before.
It’s your spirit recalling a memory from a past life or experience.
A simple fact is , that if you have ever experienced something within all the lives you have lived
and that is woven to your spirit.
You will never judge another upon the same thing because your spirit recalls it.
Mary the mother of Jesus had a Virgin womb!
It was without a child before Jesus!!
20/3/2025 5.30 pm